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Contoh:  pu: kylafood 

Untuk mencari berdasarkan nomor sertifikat ketik ns: no sertifikat
Contoh:  ns: ID00110001952860222 

Untuk mencari yang lebih spesifik lagi, silahkan ketik nama produk ns: nomor sertifikat
Contoh:  seblak original ns: ID00110001952860222 

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Produk  Halal Bersertifikat 

Menampilkan 21 sampai 40 dari 107
NoNama ProdukNomor SertifikatTanggal TerbitProdusen
21Biokul - Minuman Yogurt Rasa MelonID004100012892607222023-05-18PT. DIAMOND COLD STORAGE
22Biokul - Minuman Yogurt Rasa MixberriesID004100012892607222023-05-18PT. DIAMOND COLD STORAGE
23Biokul - Minuman Yogurt Rasa Salted CaramelID004100012892607222023-05-18PT. DIAMOND COLD STORAGE
24Biokul - Minuman Yogurt Rasa SirsakID004100012892607222023-05-18PT. DIAMOND COLD STORAGE
25Biokul - Minuman Yogurt Rasa StroberiID001100001727309212021-12-16PT. Diamond Cold Storage
26Biokul - Minuman Yogurt Rasa Stroberi (Yogurt Drink Strawberry)ID004100012892607222024-12-05PT. DIAMOND COLD STORAGE
27Biokul - To Go Yogurt Rasa Anggur Muscat (Yogurt Muscat Grape Flavor)ID004100012892607222024-02-01PT. DIAMOND COLD STORAGE
28Biokul - To Go Yogurt Rasa Anggur Jepang (Yogurt Japanese Grape Flavor)ID004100012892607222024-02-01PT. DIAMOND COLD STORAGE
29Biokul - To Go Yogurt Rasa Blueberi (Yogurt Blueberry)ID004100012892607222024-12-05PT. DIAMOND COLD STORAGE
30Biokul - To Go Yogurt Rasa Apel Caramel (Yogurt Apple Caramel Flavor)ID004100012892607222024-02-01PT. DIAMOND COLD STORAGE
31Biokul - To Go Yogurt Rasa Brown Sugar Latte (Yogurt Brown Sugar Latte)ID004100012892607222024-06-13PT. DIAMOND COLD STORAGE
32Biokul - To Go Yogurt Rasa Brown Sugar (Yogurt Brown Sugar Flavor)ID004100012892607222024-06-13PT. DIAMOND COLD STORAGE
33Biokul - To Go Yogurt Rasa Brown Sugar (Yogurt Brown Sugar)ID004100012892607222024-12-05PT. DIAMOND COLD STORAGE
34Biokul - To Go Yogurt Rasa Bubblegum (Yogurt Bubblegum Flavor)ID004100012892607222024-02-01PT. DIAMOND COLD STORAGE
35Biokul - To Go Yogurt Rasa Brown Sugar Latte (Yogurt Brown Sugar Latte)ID004100012892607222024-12-05PT. DIAMOND COLD STORAGE
36Biokul - To Go Yogurt Rasa Caramel (Yogurt Caramel Flavor)ID004100012892607222024-06-13PT. DIAMOND COLD STORAGE
37Biokul - To Go Yogurt Rasa Caramel Popcorn (Yogurt Caramel Popcorn Flavor)ID004100012892607222024-02-01PT. DIAMOND COLD STORAGE
38Biokul - To Go Yogurt Rasa Korean Peach (Yogurt Korean Peach Flavor)ID004100012892607222024-02-01PT. DIAMOND COLD STORAGE
39Biokul - To Go Yogurt Rasa Lemon Yuzu (Yogurt Yuzu Flavor)ID004100012892607222024-02-01PT. DIAMOND COLD STORAGE
40Biokul - To Go Yogurt Rasa Leci (Yogurt Lychee)ID004100012892607222024-12-05PT. DIAMOND COLD STORAGE
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