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Contoh:  pu: kylafood 

Untuk mencari berdasarkan nomor sertifikat ketik ns: no sertifikat
Contoh:  ns: ID00110001952860222 

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Contoh:  seblak original ns: ID00110001952860222 

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Produk  Halal Bersertifikat 

Menampilkan 501 sampai 520 dari 50292
NoNama ProdukNomor SertifikatTanggal TerbitProdusen
501FARINA BEAUTY CLINIC Whitening Snail GoldID003100002524503222023-08-31PT. UNITED FARMATIC INDONESIA
502FC WHITE PEPPER F23145ID004100002010809212021-10-14Mccormick(Wuhan) Food Co., Ltd.
503Feira White Anti-Bacterial Hand Wash Enriched with Aloe Vera & Olive OilID003100002246808212021-10-28Leivy Laboratories Sdn. Bhd.
504Feira White Anti-Bacterial Hand Wash Enriched with Sakura & Gold CollagenID003100002246808212021-10-28Leivy Laboratories Sdn. Bhd.
505FEIRA White Bubbly Foam Body Wash Brightening 3x Moisturising & Antioxidant Enriched with Rose Goats Milk & AlmondID003100002246808212021-10-28Leivy Laboratories Sdn. Bhd.
506FEIRA White Hand & Body Lotion Brightening 3x Moisturising & Anti Oxidant Enriched with Rose Goats Milk & AlmondID003100002246808212021-10-28Leivy Laboratories Sdn. Bhd.
507FEIRA White Hand & Body Lotion Enriched with Goats Milk Pegaga & LicoriceID003100002246808212021-10-28Leivy Laboratories Sdn. Bhd.
508FEIRA White Shower Cream Brightening 3x Moisturising & Anti Oxidant Enriched with Rose Goats Milk & AlmondID003100002246808212021-10-28Leivy Laboratories Sdn. Bhd.
509FEIRA White Shower Cream Brightening Relaxing Magic Spell Enriched with Sakura & Pearl PowderID003100002246808212021-10-28Leivy Laboratories Sdn. Bhd.
510FEIRA White Shower Cream Enriched with Goat Milk Pegaga And LicoriceID003100002246808212021-10-28Leivy Laboratories Sdn. Bhd.
511Fiesta Nasi dengan Daging Sapi Lada Hitam (Rice with Beef Black Pepper)ID004100000111908202020-10-06PT CHAROEN POKPHAND INDONESIA TBK
512Fillet Lada HitamID643200000947903202021-08-25PT. Sehati Mandiri Utama
514Flat whiteID192100196410209242024-09-17RESTO & CAFE BELLVILLE
515Flat White Kopi Papi TommyID311100004291507222022-08-11BUN MIN TJIA
516Flavorlab Rasa White PeachID361100018891412222023-03-22PT. KOMUNITAS FLAVORIA INTERNASIONAL
517FOE-2 Whitening Night Cream.ID001100002078809212023-07-21PT. TJE FUK MANUFACTURING
518FRESCO - Minuman Serbuk Kopi Instan 3in1; Fresco White CoffeemixID004100000561707202021-04-30PT. SANTOS JAYA ABADI
519Fresh & White Extra Cool MintID004100002617211212021-11-25LION WINGS
520Fresh & White Fresh Cool MintID004100002617211212021-11-25LION WINGS
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