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Untuk mencari berdasarkan nama produsen / pelaku usaha ketik pu: nama produsen
Contoh:  pu: kylafood 

Untuk mencari berdasarkan nomor sertifikat ketik ns: no sertifikat
Contoh:  ns: ID00110001952860222 

Untuk mencari yang lebih spesifik lagi, silahkan ketik nama produk ns: nomor sertifikat
Contoh:  seblak original ns: ID00110001952860222 

Mau nyeblak? Dapatkan produk “Kylafood Seblak Original” di sini!

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Produk  Halal Bersertifikat 

Menampilkan 1 sampai 20 dari 4170
NoNama ProdukNomor SertifikatTanggal TerbitProdusen
15hours Energy ShortbreadID004100000457911192020-09-16PT. Mayora Indah Tbk
25hours Energy ShortbreadID004100000457911192020-09-16PT. Mayora Indah Tbk
35hours Energy ShortbreadID004100000457911192023-12-07PT. MAYORA INDAH, TBK
45hours Energy ShortbreadID004100000457911192020-09-16PT. Mayora Indah Tbk
5ADN1ID004100000457911192023-05-18PT. MAYORA INDAH TBK
6ADN2ID004100000457911192023-05-18PT. MAYORA INDAH TBK
7ADN3ID004100000457911192023-05-18PT. MAYORA INDAH TBK
8Al Nero Sandwich Chocolate Biscuit with Vanilla CreamID004100000457911192023-01-26PT. MAYORA INDAH, TBK.
9Al Nero Sandwich Chocolate Biscuit with Vanilla CreamID004100002636406222022-07-21PT. Mayora Indah Tbk
10Al Nero Sandwich Chocolate Biscuit with Vanilla CreamID004100002636406222022-07-21PT. Mayora Indah Tbk
11Al Nero Sandwich Chocolate Biscuit with Vanilla CreamID004100002636406222022-07-21PT. Mayora Indah Tbk
12Al Nero Sandwich Chocolate Biscuit with Vanilla CreamID004100002636406222022-07-21PT. Mayora Indah Tbk
13Al Nero Sandwich Chocolate Biscuit with Vanilla CreamID004100000457911192023-12-07PT. MAYORA INDAH, TBK
14Al Nero Sandwich Chocolate Biscuit with Vanilla CreamID004100000457911192023-01-26PT. MAYORA INDAH, TBK.
15Al Nero Sandwich Chocolate Biscuit with Vanilla CreamID004100000457911192023-01-26PT. MAYORA INDAH, TBK.
16Al Nero Sandwich Chocolate Biscuit with Vanilla CreamID004100000457911192023-01-26PT. MAYORA INDAH, TBK.
17Al Nero Singles Chocolate BiscuitsID004100000457911192023-01-26PT. MAYORA INDAH, TBK.
18Al Nero Singles Chocolate BiscuitsID004100000457911192023-01-26PT. MAYORA INDAH, TBK.
19Al Nero Singles Chocolate BiscuitsID004100000457911192023-12-07PT. MAYORA INDAH, TBK
20Al Nero Singles Chocolate BiscuitsID004100002636406222022-07-21PT. Mayora Indah Tbk
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